Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Another useful tool but am still not sure how much I will use it. I know, I could use it to help bookmark RA on library homepage. I am beginning to feel more like a luddite everyday.


Well honestly sometimes I think people have too much time on their hands. I liked rollo but just think it isn't necessary. Maybe I spend less time on the web than other folks...
And I could not figure out how to link Rollo to my blog so I finally gave up.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Library Thing

While I REALLY like the idea of electronically keeping track of my reading, and tagging it, I still like my old-fashioned notebook. That way i can grab the notebook and help a patron while I am on the desk and wandering throught the stack w/them. Hmm, unless the lib will buy me an apple notebook...