Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I certainly think that Wikis can be very useful tools for the library world. But I am always amazed when I hear educated, sophisticated, adults say "I looked it up in Wikipedia" when there are so many legitimate databases out there.
That said, I think wikis used for book reviews, lists, and links to area resources can serve libraries very well. For instance in the the St. Joseph wiki, I can see how area residents may have some very valuable local resources to contribute-even though they are not librarians.
And especially for teens, who live on the computer, it is natural for them to write book reviews to share with their peers.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Library 2.0

I confess I found the Wikipedia explanation the most clear and concise of the articles posted.
While I find the idea of Web 2.0 appealing, I am concerned about the accuracy of information that may flow back and forth between library/and users. I think we already have a problem with verifying authenticy on the web, so expanding our platform is a bit scarey. It is already difficult to ascertain the accuaracy of info without addding new (unverified) users.


I confess I look at some of the blogs and I think people have way too much time on their hands. How many celebrity blogs can there be? That said, I think technorati would be useful if you are looking for specific blogs on a single topic. This is one more tool where I can see its potential but blogging (both reading and writing) is not my thing.